Here's the BBQ pictures... ...

Time: Around 5.30
Sheery, Caroline, Huiwen and me is trying to set up the fire. When the guys come down, they take over the job. Haha. Here's what the rest were doing.

Playing cards... ...

At the playground... ...

Look at this big baby
Time: 7pm
Luckily Raymond was there, if not we can't even start the BBQ at 7 pm. At the same time, Mr Sim arrived. This was what we did next... ...

The cake looked like this when it was not lighted. When the cake is lighted, it looked like this... ...

The birthday girl and guy... ...
After the cut-cake session, we continued bbq-ing. I went around asking people to take photo.

Hendri, the Satay man

7 Flowers

This is the only photo that Mr Sim took.
Yipeng cannot be seen because of the spotlight.
Time: 9 pm
BBQ ended...
That's not the end. Our group manage to take a photo in the lift.

This is the only photo that I took... Haha. It's so fun taking photo in the lift.
That's the end of my photo collection for the BBQ.